Friday, November 8, 2013

Thor: The Dark World (spoiler alert)

    So I saw Thor: The Dark World last night.  I love going to those cool early shows.  I love it even more now that most of them are at like ten o’clock instead of midnight.  I’m such an old lady that way.  This one happened to be at 8:30.  Well, the 2D one was at 8:30.  There were 3D ones at eight and nine, but I’m cheap and I’ve never really liked 3D, so we weren’t gonna do that.  Luckily, my brother’s a pretty good sport.  Or he doesn’t care about 3D either, I can’t tell.
    A note about the environment: I like going to these kinds of movies with my brother.  He doesn’t read comics or anything, but he has a general knowledge of comics and superheroes that most people have.  But he is really into mythology, and probably knows about most of the stuff Thor and Odin and them talked about.  He gets pretty excited about these things, and it’s nice to go to the movies with someone who’s excited to be there.  I’d like to state, for the record, that my ex, who was a huge comic book nerd, was never anywhere near as excited as my brother when we went to see comic book movies.  Lame-o.
    So I’ve seen Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers and the other movies tied into it.  I was pretty excited for this one, mainly because I love Loki.  And though I don’t typically like muscly guys, I like Thor.  And I like the incest jokes people keep making.  And I like the bromance that the actors have in real life.  But I love Loki.
    Admittedly, I’ve never read any Thor comics.  Sadly, I’ve been so freaking poor that I haven’t read any comics in almost six months.  But I never really read superhero comics, I don’t know why.  I like them and the concept of them perfectly fine.  Whatever, not the point.  The point is, I don’t know how well they honored the storyline that I assume this is based on.  I also don’t know much about Norse mythology, but what I do know lines up with what the movie projects.  Namely that Thor is a superhero.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Norse predicted that their god of thunder would someday grace the pages of comic books and help their masked and differently abled heroes save the world.  Pretty insightful, if I do say so myself.  But no really.  I know that Thor is the god of thunder, Odin is his father and the kind of king thing, Iggdrasil is the world tree, Loki is the god of mischief.
    I hope the filmmakers didn’t make some huge mistakes I should be embarrassed for liking, because I fucking loved this movie.  I’m so not one for action-y movies, but for some reason I <3 Thor.
    Spoiler alert time.  So the bad guys in this movie are dark elves, who were the first beings in to exist, and the love evil and darkness and they made this thing that helps their evilness and is also evil on its own called the Aether.  There’s also this thing that happens every 5,000 years or so called the convergence, where the boundaries between the nine realms (all connected through Iggdrasil) blur and weird shit happens.  The dark elves were vanquished before by Odin’s father, and presumed dead.  Don’t do that.  You know what they say when you presume.  Your equal but oppositely hot sons will team up and stuff and my ovaries will explode.  I will also make squeals that cause my brother to laugh really, really hard.
    But really.  Not even listening to other people when they ask if you’re sure your father’s terrible enemy is all dead?  Not wise.  Leaving your wife along with the girl exhibiting strange bodily things?  Also not wise.  Adopting a baby frost giant, getting rid of his frost, and not putting him in therapy?  Super unwise.
    I remembered halfway through the film that Joss Whedon said during an interview that Loki wouldn’t be up to his usual tricks in Avengers 2 because he “wouldn’t be there.”  I can’t believe I forgot this!  Well, to my great dismay, Loki does die.  I cried.  Seriously.  I almost left the theater.  Tom Hiddleston when he has Loki’s hair and clothes is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in my life.  He is just...awesome.  I have no complaints.  And I think the weird I-love-you-because-you’re-my-brother-but-I-have-some-serious-reservations-about-you thing that Thor and Loki have going is so great because they love each other in real life.
    Super spoiler alert: Loki doesn’t die!  At the end of the movie, Thor is telling Odin he can’t rule Asgard because he wants to be able to be with Jane, and focus on her instead of ruling.  He also feels he doesn’t have the stomach to do as much killing as he thinks will be necessary as king.  He leaves the throne room, and Odin turns into my future husband, the god of mischief, Loki himself.  Cue the squeal that was too silly for my brother to handle.
    As per usual, there was an Easter Egg in the credits.  Lady Sif and Volstagg (the redhead guy) are bringing the Aether to someone called the Collector.  I read a little bit about him and I’m intrigued.  You should hang in after that though, because there’s another really cute scene all the way at the end of the credits.
    This was the crappiest review ever, but suffice it to say I’m happy with it and I definitely want to see it again.  I’m interested to see if it gets mentioned in other movies of the franchise, and I was happy that Jane mentioned seeing Thor on TV when he was in New York, and as we all know from the trailer, she slapped Loki in retaliation for what he did in New York.  I hope I’m not making myself look stupid by liking something that the filmmakers secretly butchered, but whatever.  I loved this movie, and everyone should see it. :)

1 comment:

  1. This movie was pure win. I loved Loki so much and I can't wait to see him in future films (except apparently not Avengers 2 *sad face*) and I too adore the 'I love you - I hate you' thing they have going on. Also you are not at risk of liking something that was butchered because I declare (and since I'm amazing this must be true!) that this movie was perfectly sound from a directorial, screenwriting, actor, and musical standpoint. Excellently done. <3 <3
