Sunday, September 20, 2015

Halloween costume!

These are the costume pieces I have so far.  I look hawt.

    Ok, so I had kind of decided on my Halloween costume by accident, and I just went on Party City’s website to see if they had stuff to help me finish it, and now I’m jacked!
    It started with me just innocently...wasting money on a white, blood splatter skater dress from Hot Topic.  I mean, it was $12.  After I bought it, I started thinking that since it’s not something one wears every day, I should probably work my Halloween costume around it.  Then I remembered that I have a pair of elbow-length white, blood splatter gloves.  So I’m going to be a vampire of some sort.  I decided to stay with the red/white aesthetic, and I have these cute red heels I can wear, and a white petticoat if I so choose.
    On to Party City!  S (my co-teacher) had mentioned before that she was Vampire Bella for Halloween before, and had gotten fangs there.  So I’m poking around, and they have a shit ton of fangs, including some that come with bloody tips.  And they have fake blood.  They also have two kinds of bloody tights, blood splatter and...violent stabbing?  I’m gonna see if the store has them, to compare them in person.
Bloody tights #1

Bloody tights #2

 Of course, they have plain white tights, too.  Oh, and I guess they have bloody stitches tights.
Bloody tights...#3?
 They also have a white cape and a red cape, and a bloody I’m going to be a vampire bride/prom...queen?
Love it.
    In other news, the ex has a girlfriend now.  He met her on Ok Cupid, which I had encouraged him to go on.  I’m happy for him, and I hope it works out.  It was really sweet, he deleted his profile pretty soon after meeting her in person, and he officially asked her to be his girlfriend the other night.
    I..think?  the guy I’ve been seeing is doing the same thing?  He hasn’t deleted his profile, but he hasn’t been on since we started hanging out.  I asked him earlier this week if he was talking to other girls, and he said no.  Then I asked him if he wanted to, and he said no.  I was afraid to push any further, because it’s a slippery slope in the clingy department.  The ex thinks he’s going to ask me to be his girlfriend soon, and I hope he’s right.  I don’t like this in-between, unclear thing, where it’s still totally within either of our rights to do stuff with other people.  I am not ok with doing stuff with other people.  I don’t like not knowing 100% where we stand.  I like being a girlfriend, and the special stuff it entails.
    He and I went on a ghost tour in Boston last night, which was fun.  I love that kind of shit, and he was amused because it had a historical angle.  I feel like I’m in a good position, maybe?  because he was like, putting his arm around me and touching my hip and stuff in public.  And he kissed me on the subway platform (because we’re teenagers in a pop-punk song, I guess), and he had his arm around me on the T the whole way back.  That’s all good stuff, right?
    He also pays for my food and stuff when we hang out.  Which is really nice, but at the same time my anxiety kicks in, and I feel guilty.  I’m still a little afraid he’ll decide that I’m only in it for free food, or that I’m not worth the money he’s spending on me.  It’s nice being spoiled, but I’m terrified that it’ll be thrown in my face.  And the longer it is that we’re floating in the relationship abyss, the more it seems like that’s what’s going to happen.  I know it hasn’t been long, at all, and I know I need to chill out, but it’s not in my nature to chill out.
    I did tell him that we definitely have to find something to do on Halloween, so that we’re not just sitting at home all dressed up, and he seemed down, so there’s that.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blood spatter XD and yay for hanging out and doing something fun on Halloween ^^
